Fabiola Johnson
Here’s the latest installment in our series on the “Day in the Life” of nonprofit communicators, where we ask you to describe your day in your own words. Want to be featured in this series? Tell us what you do in a typical day as a nonprofit communications pro.
Fabiola Johnson is the Social Media Specialist at Amor, an organization committed to serve alongside families in need by building homes through life-changing mission trip opportunities. Fabiola loves coffee too much, believes the best in everyone, and is on a life-long journey to love more, dream more, and do more. “My hope is that my walk becomes a loving testimony of the impact of Jesus love in my life and the lives of others.” As a ESL writer, she is incorrigible in the proper use of on/in and few other prepositions to her editors dismay [sic].
Here is her typical day:
Before 8:00 am: I read my Feedly while I drink my first cup of coffee. It’s Monday, so I stop at the corner coffee shop to grab a homemade chocolate biscotti.
8:00 am: I drop my children to school and call in for a huddle on my drive to work with the development team (a ten-minute daily meeting that allows us to pray together and do a quick rundown of daily goals and stuck points).
8:30 am: Respond to important e-mails. (Great resource to cut down inbox overflow)
8:45 am: I do social media upkeep: See what works, schedule messages, respond to interactions and monitor feeds of people we follow to see what everyone is talking about.
**** 9:30 am – 3:00 pm: Once or twice a week I head down to Mexico to interview families who recently received a home, pastors and/or attend meetings with local leaders and take pictures for the blog and social media. In those days when I return to the office I’ll reply to emails, transcribe interviews and head home at around 5.
9:30 am to 12:30 pm: Grab second cup of coffee, a snack and re-fill my water bottle. I open my favorite writing playlist on Spotify then is fingers to keys until lunch.
Today I’m writing a family story for the blog.
12:30 pm to 1:30 pm: I like to go for walks during my lunch hour, so I eat at my desk most days. Fridays are #fishtacofridays or #foodtruckfridays with the team at a food truck across the street.
I then check e-mails, and respond to interactions in social media. If I get something from the field team, I’ll upload a picture or two to our Instagram channel or create a Vine.
1:30 pm to 4:30 pm: Edit, format and schedule blogs that the team and I write. Drink third cup of coffee and call little D to check on him after school.
Once a week, I try to send a quick, easy to follow, social media challenge for everyone on the team. I’m trying to make us more social media savvy.
After 4:30 pm: Create images to illustrate blogs and social media. Look for quotes, articles on social justice, sustainability, missions, poverty statistics, discipleship, etc. and save them for future blogs and social media posts. I use Evernote and Diigo web collector for archiving.
I check my calendar for the week, send myself and others reminders on things that need finishing or are due.
I try to leave at 5:30. (If I had a meeting, or a special project it won’t happen).
Want to be featured in this series? Tell us what you do in a typical day as a nonprofit communications pro.