Being a nonprofit marketer can be an overwhelming experience. Even the most seasoned of us need guidance now and then – a little inspiration to let us know we are on the right track, or a new way to look at an old problem.
Nancy recently released The Nonprofit Marketing Wisdom Guide 2012 at GettingAttention.org which contains tested, proven strategies shared by nonprofit marketers, consultants and fundraisers from around the world.
The advice in this free guide covers 15 topics ranging from branding, message development and strategy to social media, websites and fundraising. You’ll read how other nonprofits deal with their staff and leadership and the media. There is even a special section for consultants.
Here are a few samples of the 219 lessons you’ll find in the guide:
#17. Don’t commit to a fundraising event before you know if you’ll even be able to cover your own associated expenses! Learned that one the hard way…a LOSS for a fundraising event! Yikes!
Karen Johnson, Board President
WiL Power Challenge
#22. Stir your donor’s imagination first before making any ask. A compelling story is only a few seconds away from a positive response.
Patty Rivera, Director of Publications and Communications
Catholic Missions In Canada
#51. Segment, segment, segment what your different constituents want to hear and make the medium of the message just as important as the message.
Streetside Stories
#175. It’s great to take the time to brainstorm, talk, discuss and even argue why you should or shouldn’t do something. But we’ve learned that sometimes you just need to take a (calculated) risk and jump in to try something new. This won’t work for all marketing projects or campaigns, but occasionally you can afford to test the waters, toe in first, especially in the world of social media. After all, the lifecycle of a tweet is less than three hours, so what have you got to lose?
Aleeza Zohar, Communications Officer
Jean Hailes for Women’s Health
#182. Don’t accept someone else’s list stats as “true” without looking at what works for your own list. Industry best practices are great, but it’s way too easy to just say only send emails on day x and y and not on w and v. The best advice I received this year is to know and consider norms and best practices, but remember that your list is unique, and tailor your activities to it through measurement and evaluation.
Allison Ford, Senior Manager of External Affairs
Marine Fish Conservation Network
Download your free copy of The Nonprofit Marketing Wisdom Guide 2012 right now to capitalize on the smarts, effort and experiences of your nonprofit peers.