Last week we asked you what topics you’d like more training on in the coming year as we at Nonprofit Marketing Guide start working through our 2022 planning process.
As you can see from the word cloud of responses, the job of a nonprofit communications director involves A LOT of different and disparate subjects.
Here are some of the standout topics in the graphic:
- Data analysis, measurement, and reporting dashboards
- Social media (including Instagram Stories, LinkedIn, and Twitter), gaining followers, engagement, and advertising on social platforms
- Email engagement, automation, and lead generation
- Equity in communications work, de-centering whiteness, being more inclusive
- Trends and what’s next
- Understanding audiences and stakeholders (surveys, personas, journeys, etc.)
- Writing in various styles
- Managing communications teams, including teams of one
- Media relations and PR, pitching stories
And as we all know, this isn’t really even the half of it! It’s a big job and we are here to help you do your best at it.
What else should be on this list for us to consider for our 2022 training and blogging schedule? Let us know in the comments.