Register Now: Learn How to Shape Pitch-Perfect Messages that Move People to Act Now
Your organization’s messages determine if you are heard, and if people respond. They’re the most practical, available tool you have to move your audience to act….if they’re relevant. Relevance is the heart of memorable, motivating messages—pitch-perfect messages. Like this:
You know when you meet someone at a party or conference and boom, just like that, you know. You know she gets you, you get her and the two of you are going to be good friends. It’s happened to me and I bet it’s happened to you. NOTHING is more affirming than someone “getting” us.
Now put that memory on pause, and remember the last time you experienced the flip side. When you’ve met someone at a conference or party and, in no time at all, it’s clear that you have nothing in common. When your every word (or hers) is met by a confused look, dead silence or dismissive response, and you know the two of you will never get each other.
The first experience—that joyful sense of possibility you feel when you’re getting to know someone who gets you—is exactly what happens when you hear or read a relevant message. That individual (or organizational spokesperson) values you, and has taken the effort to learn a bit about you and shape the conversation accordingly. It’s magical.
Your organization has a huge, untapped opportunity! Given that we all crave that kind of connection–we want to feel that others understand and value us–forging it should be the driver for every message your organization crafts.
But 7 of 10 nonprofits describe their messages as off target, and will will fail to motivate the actions needed to move their missions forward—to give, volunteer, join or advocate.
You can break out! Join me Thursday, June 11 to learn how to craft relevant messages. Register today:
Relevance Rules: Learn to Shape Pitch-Perfect Messages that Move Your People to Act Now
How do you talk about your organization, programs and needs (a.k.a. positioning) in a way that motivates your prospects and supporters to give, volunteer, register and more? That’s the question I hear from so many nonprofit communicators like you.
There IS a clear path to messages that motivate—pitch-perfect messages. In this webinar, I’ll lead you through a series of proven steps to get there, so you can engage the right people in the right ways to reach your fundraising and marketing goals. You’ll learn how to:
- Escape from the muddy and inconsistent messages that fail to build relationships, so weaken your marketing impact
- Approach positioning as a system used across channels, audiences and programs—rather than a series of one-offs
- Deliver your messages in a way that generates the greatest results.
Hope to see you there!