Through our All-Access Pass training program and our Communications Director Mentoring Program, I meet many nonprofit communicators in coordinator or assistant positions who want to be promoted to the manager or director level. We also work with communications directors who are working toward VP or C-Suite (“Chief of”) jobs.
While many factors determine who gets those jobs, here are three tips that anyone interested in being promoted to a higher-level nonprofit communications job should consider.
Demonstrate That You Can Think Strategically
A strategic thinker looks far beyond today’s to-do list to consider the organization’s needs months, even years, in advance. They connect the dots between the communications work and the organization’s larger goals. They understand the big picture and how to translate that vision into tactical assignments for junior staff.
You can’t sit back and wait for someone else to figure out your job. When you are at the director level or higher, you are responsible for determining your own job and the jobs of the people who report to you.
Take Control of Your Own Professional Development
The communications director job at nonprofits is still a relatively young role. Many of you reading this blog are the first communications director at your nonprofit. While we are doing our best at Nonprofit Marketing Guide to help you figure out what a professional development plan looks like, the reality is that there’s no set path to reaching a higher level of professionalism in this field. Once again, it’s up to you to figure out what skills you need and to find a way to get them.
Grow Your Way into Management by Growing the Team
If you talk to a communications director who’s been with the same organization for a while, you’ll likely hear a story like this: “I was the only communications staff member. After a couple of years, I made the case to start growing the team. Then I was promoted to the director job once there were too many people for my boss to supervise directly.”
At Nonprofit Marketing Guide, we are all about helping you learn your job, love your work, and lead your team. We also love to hear your success stories in moving from coordinator roles to leadership. Share with us in our private community!