If you just started a new job in nonprofit marketing, our free e-book will help you get going and set you up for success.
It’s a checklist of 100 tasks that you should try to complete within 100 days of starting your new job whether you are just starting your career as a nonprofit communicator or are a veteran who has recently switched jobs . Some examples are:
- Read newsletters from the last two years
- Find the usernames and passwords
- Delete out-of-date content on your website
- Take care of one of your boss’s pet peeves
- Set up and communicate your boundaries
- Ensure you have the logos and graphics you need

Keep in mind, this isn’t a one-task-per-day to-do list.
On some days, you might check off three tasks, while others may take several days or weeks to complete, especially those that require the cooperation of others.
The tasks are in a very rough order that generally makes sense, but that you’ll need to adjust based on your particular situation.
You were hired to make it work and get it done. You’ll find a mix of all of the above in the e-book.
The first half is heavy on learning about your new organization, the environment you are working in, and the people you’ll need to reach. The second half is heavier on planning and tactics.
But the reality is you’ll be doing all of it, all of the time. Get started on the right foot!