Writing for nonprofits is different than writing for other kinds of organizations. We are often trying to accomplish many different things with nonprofit content, and depending on the goal and the intended reader, the style of writing will change.
In fact, we believe there are seven essential writing styles that nonprofit communicators should master.

With this much diversity in the writing, coaching our peers on producing better copy can be a real challenge!
That’s why we’ve assembled some great advice from professional editors about how to coach writers in the workplace. These may not be nonprofit workplaces, but the tips definitely still apply.
Here are the basics to pass on: 8 Simple Ways to Become a Better Business Writer, by Fast Company.
How to Be an Effective Coach, from Poyter, which trains journalists and editors.
Can Bad Writers Improve? If You Coach Them, Yes, from ICMI, the International Customer Management Institute
Of course, we have some additional posts on Nonprofit Writing ourselves. If you are coaching others, be sure to check out:
Stuck in Endless Review Loops? Talk about the Levels of Editing
Marketing Time Savers: Tool to Improve Your Writing
We’ll be teaching webinars on the 7 Writing Styles in June 2019. Learn More and Register Here.