We really, really, REALLY suggest you use an editorial calendar to organize the content you are going to publish.
We consider it an essential planning tool for ALL communications departments no matter what size as our Nonprofit Communications Trends Reports show that the most effective nonprofits use an editorial calendar consistently.
We’ve talked a lot about editorial calendars and planning over the years and have combined that knowledge into The Nonprofit Editorial Planning Starter Kit.
This 21-page e-book will show you how to get started with editorial planning, the steps you should take, and things to consider before building your editorial calendar.
In this kit you’ll get our top editorial planning worksheets and templates:
- The Big Picture Communications Timeline
- Core Topics List Worksheet
- Content Creation Frequency Worksheet
- Editorial Calendar Worksheets
And help you with:
- Brainstorming for Your Big Picture Communications Timeline
- Story Arcs for Your Big Picture Communications Timeline
- Types of Core Topics
- Deciding on a Reasonable Amount of Content
- How to Set up Your Editorial Calendar
Get Your Copy in the Free Member Resource Library
(Are you an All-Access Pass Holder? You’ll find it in your All-Access Pass Holder Resource Library)