Michelle Livanos and Rosie Mae
Here is the latest submission for our Day in the Life of a Nonprofit Communicator series. This series lets you describe your workday in your own words.
Michelle’s Bio:
Acquiring a dog for the first time led to wanting to pay all the valuable lessons back to volunteering at a local human society to being hired as a Grants Writer at DCHS. Much has been learned about the nonprofit fundraising world since.
She is working in the office and this is her typical day:
Before 8:00 am: To sneak in some cuddle time with one of my dogs, I wake up at 6 am. Then, I let her out for her potty break, say hello to Lenny the Guinea Pig who is wheeking by now and wanting to be scooped up for his playtime + breakfast in his play pen, clean Lenny’s cage, feed him his pellets and breakfast salad, and finally can have my breakfast and coffee.
By 8 am, I am dressed, Lenny is back in his cage, and I am out the door to take Rosie Mae out for a walk.
Did I mention that I work at a humane society?

Michelle and Tasha
8:00 am to 10:00 am: At around 9 am, I am at work, looking at the to-do list I prepared the previous day. Before my daily 9:30 am morning check-in meeting with team members, I go grab my Office Dog from their kennel, stopping along the way to check-in with co-workers. I chat with my department until 10 am.
10:00 am to 12:00 pm: Before lunch, I go full steam ahead, in trying to get the usual everyday tasks done so that I can spend the afternoon on projects that require more thought and careful attention. Outlook reminds me of the tasks I need to get done on a regular basis, or my handwritten to-do list. I organize the stories and photos I receive, to use them later as content for social media and other donor communications.
12:00pm – 2:00 pm: When routine tasks have been crossed off my list, then it’s time for lunch. Lunch is made even more enjoyable with an energizing walk with the canine officemate!
2:00pm – 4:00 pm: After lunch, I focus my energy on projects that require research or a little extra thought.
After 4:00 pm: By the end of the day, most things are usually completed. Before heading home, I’ll look at my to-do list, cross things off and then rewrite a new one for tomorrow, a new day, a new clean slate.
Thanks for sharing your day, Michelle!
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